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Review of Carbon: The Primitivision

Posted: 12 Mar 2023, 06:36
by Hager Salem
[Following is an official review of "Carbon: The Primitivision" by Lawrence Armando Hodge.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Do you like art? Do you enjoy going to art galleries? If so, how do you feel about visiting an art gallery from the comfort of your home? I liked it a lot, and this is how I felt after browsing Carbon: The Primitivision by Lawrence Armando Hodge. The artist takes us on a journey with his marvelous drawings in this book. The book has no explanations or comments, just pure art. The book contains four sections that represent four eras. Those are the eras when the drawings were created. The first part is 1989–1996. The second part is 1997. The third one is 1998–2010. The last one is 2011–2021. The artist started honing his drawing style in the eighties. He admired art from different cultures and combined many of those in his drawings. Grab this book now to see the amazing illustrations he did.

I liked everything in the book. I liked the artistic experience it gave me. I felt like I was walking through an art gallery and standing there looking at the drawings. I admire the artist's attention to detail and his ability to produce such pieces with such an enormous amount of detail. His art is abstract and expressive. The longer you look at a drawing, the more details you get to see. You'll even feel that some drawings are looking at you. The drawings don't represent clear ideas. I felt they were more like visiting what's inside the artist's head. I like that a lot.

I didn't find anything to hate about this book. Maybe the drawings that contained insects were a little annoying to see, but that's a personal preference. I loved the illustrations of animals. They were just beautiful. In addition, I like that the book isn't dark. Sometimes, the illustrations of ancient cultures can carry that vibe, but that wasn't the case here. The drawings were just tempting and catchy to the eye.

I enjoyed the book and the amount of art it contained. I liked the experience of going through pages that contained pure art without any distractions. I believe many of those drawings will look amazing on walls, book covers, and anything else they can be put on. Therefore, I rate this book five out of five stars. The book received professional editing. I couldn't notice any errors throughout the book.

I recommend the book to art lovers in general. People who like abstract art will enjoy it the most.

Carbon: The Primitivision
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Re: Review of Carbon: The Primitivision

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 09:36
by Hakim ZR
very suitable for reading by the community. In addition, this book helps to give an overview of life.

Re: Review of Carbon: The Primitivision

Posted: 17 Mar 2023, 22:06
by Elina Tshabalala
I must get my hands on this book. I am a fan of all forms of visual art and this book is right up my alley. Thanks for the review!

Re: Review of Carbon: The Primitivision

Posted: 18 Mar 2023, 09:21
by Oluchi23
The book story line is interesting teaching the importance of carbon in artist work. I like art work too and this your review increases my likeness towards carbon. Thanks for the great review.