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Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 30 Nov 2023, 14:38
by Christell Lindeque
[Following is an official review of "Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Erik Quisling's book "Philosophy from the Mud" is a combination of fiction and non-fiction. In this piece, the author discusses the Theory of Masterful Effortless. Although it seemed like the author was promoting his fables more in this book, I thought the fables were a bonus, and the non-fiction portion of the book piqued my interest even more.

The goal of the author's work is for readers to comprehend the five laws of Effortless Theory and assist others in putting them into practice. To put it simply, the goal of this book is to help you live an abundant and carefree life. Among the five principles he lists are the following: you have the power to co-create your life; the universe is judgement-free and gives you what you want in the here and now; abundance knows no bounds; and the universe honours bravery. When he talks about mastering Effortless Theory, he focuses on three primary areas: words, feelings, and actions. This book is also filled with quotations from well-known figures, and the book's stories will cause you to reflect on what you just read and its deeper meaning.

The cover is what I don't like about this book. Since this is a self-help book, I would have liked it if the book's title and promotion reflected that it was a self-help book. The fables should be advertised as a bonus, even though they occasionally made me laugh and think about their deeper meaning. I say that this is a self-help book because it can improve a person's outlook on life for the better, and I know many people will find it valuable.

What the author states is accurate. Should you harbour pessimistic views about your ability to accomplish a goal, your chances of success will most likely be diminished. That's my interpretation of what he was attempting to communicate, anyway. If you ever ponder why awful people seem to be able to accomplish or be bestowed with amazing things, this book may be able to provide an explanation for that, as it is possible that Effortless Theory is to blame. I found it appealing that the fables in the book had deeper meanings. I thought that the non-fiction portion of the book was excellent, and I plan to use it in my everyday life.

I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because I loved how the author used non-fiction and fiction to make his point. I thought the material was excellent, and a lot of others will find it useful. Since I was unable to locate any mistakes, I assume that this book has been edited to perfection.

Anyone who wants something to happen in their life but is unable to commit to it should read this book, and the author even made accommodations for all religions and beliefs by substituting the word "universe" for their belief.

Philosophy from the Mud
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Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 17:16
by Samuel Falle
This review appreciated the book and applauded the author for doing a great job in creating it. Based on the pleasant impression the author's writing created, the reviewer also did well in making me want to include the book on my bookshelf.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 06 Dec 2023, 01:57
by Samuel Falle
This review appreciated the book and applauded the author for doing a great job in creating it. Based on the pleasant impression the author's writing created, the reviewer also did well in making me want to include the book on my bookshelf.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 31 Dec 2023, 05:37
by Kihiko990
Thank you for the great review.I like the fact that the pros and cons are well described and how the book can help one live an abundant and carefree life.Well it seems like a good book in support of optimistic views .Nice!

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Jan 2024, 22:41
by Aaron Joseph Maupin
This review provides a helpful and insightful perspective on "Philosophy from the Mud." It highlights that the book combines fiction and non-fiction, with the non-fiction portion being particularly engaging. The reviewer praises the author's goal of helping readers live an abundant and carefree life through the five laws of Effortless Theory. Quotations and thought-provoking stories add depth to the book. The reviewer finds the cover could better reflect the self-help nature of the book. Overall, the review suggests that the book is beneficial, motivating, and a valuable addition to anyone's library.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 22 Jan 2024, 05:18
by Ruth Chege 2
This review makes the book appear quite interesting, with the inclusion of fiction and non-fiction segments. I have never heard of the Effortless Theory but would love to explore more. Great work in crafting this review.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 25 Jan 2024, 23:25
by Donaking
It appears that "Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling is a compelling and valuable read. The combination of fiction and non-fiction elements, along with the author's exploration of the Theory of Masterful Effortless, makes the book engaging. The reviewer found the non-fiction portion particularly interesting, as it provides practical guidance on living a carefree and abundant life. The book's five principles and focus on words, feelings, and actions are seen as insightful. While the fables are considered a bonus, they also add depth to the overall message. The reviewer highlights the cover as a minor dislike, expressing a preference for clearer emphasis on the self-help nature of the book. Nevertheless, the reviewer rates the book 5 out of 5 stars, noting its potential to improve one's outlook on life. Overall, it seems that "Philosophy from the Mud" is a recommended and well-edited book.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 07:29
by Loniya Chabili Mubanga
This review is very honest and shows what the reviewer liked the most in the book. Which helps me determine that I'd also like to read the book so that I can also learn something similar to what the reviewer learned. I've never heard of The Effortless Theory but it seems like something I'd like to know more about. I'd love to read the book.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 07:32
by Rebecca De Figueiredo
From the intriguing book title to the simple yet effective little ink figurines, this book is definitely one of a kind. It’s a ‘think-outside-of-the-box method of guidance which will either captivate or repel you. Personally, I’d go for this book because of the little cartoons with attached messsges.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 07:53
by Ajain12
"Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling blends fiction and non-fiction to explore the Theory of Masterful Effortless. Despite a misleading cover, it offers valuable insights and practical guidance. Highly recommended.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 07:58
by NetMassimo
We struggle more or less often during life, so finding new ideas that help us focus on living a life of joy is certainly useful. I'm also curious about the fables in this mix of fiction and non-fiction. Thank you for your great review!

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 08:04
by Ellie Gatillo
What a delightful review. The Theory of Masterful Effortless sounds interesting. I tend to shy away from self-help books, but the review made me curious enough to add it to my reading list.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 08:15
by Anusha Thatavarthi
"Erik Quisling's 'Philosophy from the Mud' seamlessly blends fiction and non-fiction, emphasizing the Theory of Masterful Effortless. The book aims to guide readers in applying the five laws of Effortless Theory for a carefree life, focusing on co-creation, a judgment-free universe, boundless abundance, and honoring bravery. Thanks for the amazing review.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 08:22
by Jorge Leon Salazar
This Effortless Theory sounds interesting as it can help us live an abundant, successful, and carefree life. The inclusion of fables looks attractive since they may be funny or thought-provoking. These principles seem aligned with other self-help proposals.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 09:02
by Anandi Iyer Ghosh
I have only read a sample of on Amazon and I have liked what I have read so far. The line drawings pique my interest. I thought it was a book similar to The Law of Attraction books and I believe I am right. This review has only cemented my belief that Philosophy from the Mud is worth reading.