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Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 25 Mar 2024, 08:48
by Hager Salem
[Following is an official review of "Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Philosophy from the Mud by Erik Quisling is a unique book that has an unusual mixture of three fables and some rules to help you through your life. The fables tell the stories of three creatures. The first one is about a worm that leads through life trying to figure things out. The second one follows the story of an ant that goes on some adventures. The third one is about a clan that feels lost in life before finding meaning. Between the fables, the writer explains what he calls Masterful Effortlessness. The philosophy has five laws that the writer mentions and explains. They help you do things effortlessly and reach what you want in life.

I really love the uniqueness of the book. It's one-of-a-kind. The effortless philosophy was really inspiring and made me think of many things. The fables carried a lot of life lessons. They are put in the form of simple drawings with a few sentences. They don't take long to read, but they sure will take a long time to think of. The writer could deliver the messages so sincerely that I could even feel the struggle of the ant or the pain of the worm sometimes throughout the stories.

There was nothing I disliked about the book. There might be a few things that I didn't understand. There was an empty page after every illustrated page of the fables. There was also some repetition in some of the illustrations. I didn't get the point, but I believe there's one. I appreciate the writer's ability to introduce complicated life principles through those fables that look simple but aren't simple at all.

The book provides a unique experience that I totally enjoyed. Even the things I didn't fully understand didn't take away from my experience. The book received exceptional editing. I didn't notice any errors or mistakes. Therefore, I rate Philosophy from the Mud by Erik Quisling five out of five stars.

I recommend the book to people who can appreciate differences in art and enjoy unusual experiences. I also recommend it to people who are interested in improving their lives through the Effortlessness philosophy.

Philosophy from the Mud
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Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 17:49
by Baggett Yori
This review presents "Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling as a unique and inspiring book that combines fables with philosophical insights to offer readers valuable life lesson. You appreciates the book's distinctiveness, highlighting the effortless philosophy presented by the author as particularly inspiring and thought-provoking. You also praise the fables for carrying meaningful life lessons, conveyed through simple yet sincere storytelling that resonates with the reader.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 01 Apr 2024, 04:38
by Osvaldo Borghese
I think that these are not simple fables but tales to teach us some life lessons. thanks for your review.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 05:15
by Suhel Gawandi
Erik Quisling's "Philosophy from the Mud" is an accessible manual that can be used as a guide through life. Quisling discusses complex subjects like philosophy in a way that is approachable and grounded. He makes his points more understandable to the general public by illustrating them with anecdotes and real-world experiences. It's similar like speaking with an experienced buddy who wants to impart to you their wisdom after going through a lot. All in all, it's a novel approach to philosophy that doesn't come across as overly cerebral or daunting.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 13 May 2024, 14:29
by Olivier Muhammad
Well, I reckon this book, Philosophy from the Mud, sounds like a mighty fine read. The unique blend of fables and philosophy sure caught my attention. From what I gather, the writer shares some powerful life lessons through the stories of a worm, an ant, and a clan. The effortless philosophy is inspiring, and the delivery seems heartfelt. It seems like a book that'll make ya ponder and reflect. Overall, a five-star rating and a recommendation for folks lookin' for an unconventional and thought-provoking read. Atmospheric setting, transported me to another world.