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Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 23:20
by Chris123
Hmmm in a way everything has a cost to it. I may receive a free book, but I have to spend time to read it. I don't agree with that statement though, it seems to over simplify a complex subject. :)

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 11:31
by katiesquilts
Chris123 wrote:Hmmm in a way everything has a cost to it. I may receive a free book, but I have to spend time to read it. I don't agree with that statement though, it seems to over simplify a complex subject. :)
Actually, if we're going with that statement, you aren't really paying the cost for the free book with your time. It's actually the author who is paying the cost, because they aren't getting any royalties by giving away their book for free.

Learned that in macroeconomics! :wink: It's about the only thing I took away from that class though, haha.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 18:40
by Kia
I absolutely agree that there is a cost to existing. As humans, we have to work hard to obtain the food, water and shelter we need to survive. The cost of living in a community is that we all have to give up some of our individual rights to freedom for the overall good of the community.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 20:42
by LarkSpur25
I believe that for every one thing done, there is a reaction. But, that being said, there is not always a price to be paid for it. I own and operate a cattle ranch and I've seen many different actions that have come with a price, sometimes a steep one, and yet again many that have not. Maybe it's just that I might perceive things differently than others? It's possible that to some they may see a price was paid or owed where I would not.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 03:29
by stoppoppingtheP
I think that every person does need to 'pay' to be a part of this society. However, payment doesn't necessarily mean physical input. A person who is good and kind to others, who helps others in society can be seen as paying because they are inputting in to the society in a positive way. At least, that's my view.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 20 Jul 2016, 16:47
by CataclysmicKnight
I definitely agree that everything costs some type of price, even something like using twitter, playing games or heading out and playing Pokemon Go (my new addiction). For a lot of these things, the price is something as simple as the time it takes to use it or the emotional weight of reading something sad. For many of the things in life, that price is absolutely worth it!

With communities being one of the things mentioned originally, I definitely think they have a shared price among everyone within them. After finishing Falling Skies on Amazon Instant Video and with being a huge fan of post-apocalyptic stories, a lot of times the hardest price to pay is just trust.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 30 Jul 2016, 18:23
by CrescentMoon
As others have said I disagree with this statement too. I also feel like it's way to cynical to think this way and honestly overly done and cliche. A cynical person who thinks this way is most likely just really unhappy. I find this to be a very boring and non-unique outlook of life.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 04:24
by Naval Aulakh
I don't think that people only live and do things to earn. There is a lot more to it like love and passion for certain things.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 04:43
by Tony Nyakinda
Our price for living and exsisting as humans, to my understanding is far beyond us. In relation to religion, I believe it take much more than us to exsist. The devine intervention of supreme being. Science as also proven this. For me I attribute my exsistance to God and His undying overwhelming grace upon my life.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 18 Nov 2017, 20:17
by vaz222
I agree because to exist as a human you have to contribute, in some way, to the planet. Everything we do affects not only our own lives but those around us.

Re: Pay to Play

Posted: 01 Jan 2018, 11:52
by inaramid
I think it's really more a matter of making meaning out of your life, that your existence should amount to something at the end of it all. Perhaps that is just another way of saying it.