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Re: The Opening...

Posted: 10 May 2016, 14:49
by Taylor Razzani
hsimone wrote:I actually read the third part of this book a while ago, and I'm excited to be able to read the whole book this month. With that being said, when reading the opening, I am also intrigued. Like others have said, it's a little confusing, especially with the year jumping around about three times. However, reading it reminded me of how much I loved the third part of this novel, so I'm excited to continue!
Thanks for this! I've been struggling to keep reading this, I can't seem to get into it and follow the seemingly random events. It's good to know that there's some hope :D

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 13 May 2016, 07:33
by kimmyschemy06
The opening is very confusing, but also very intriguing. The opening alone made me keep on reading.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 13 May 2016, 14:36
by bluemel4
I liked the opening! It really set the stage and tone for a wild ride. The confidential reports gave the alternate history a realistic quality. I was able to get on board and was excited about what was going to happen.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 14 May 2016, 08:32
by Sarah G
I didn't really like the beginning of the book. I like the introduction to set the scene so you have an idea on what to expect from the book, however I found that the opening of this book left me feeling entirely confused. I ad to re-read it to make sure it wasn't just me. It did intrigue me, but I feel the author was trying to hard to be different from other books.

However, the latter of the book I enjoyed :)

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 15 May 2016, 10:12
by Taylor Razzani
Just finished the whole book. I'm guessing it was just me, but I fell just as in the dark as I did when I started. Maybe I have to go back and read the intro, it just seemed like too much was crammed into the book but at the same time similar things kept popping up. I guess the point of that was to tie in the different lives. Maybe I don't get the full experience because I read it on my phone and for some reason I can't fully invest myself reading that way at times.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 28 May 2016, 10:44
by Amheiser
I haven't finished the book yet, I'm just starting the second section. I found the opening of this book very interesting, but now that I've gotten to the second part, I'm confused as to what it has to do with the first part of the book. I keep having to backtrack to understand what is going on in the second section. I'm going to try to keep reading this book because it seems like it has a very interesting concept.

-- 28 May 2016, 12:02 --

I started reading this book because I thought it sounded like an interesting idea for a story. When I finished the first section of this book I was very interested in continuing on to see how it all evolves. but now I am trying to read the second section and the only thing that is keeping me going is something I read in a post on this book.
The post said,"I think it (the story) is more along the lines of an alternate reality. The philosophical theory that underlies the whole story takes what we know across history and applies an entirely new theory or explanation of how things happened. The intricacy of the theory and how it was demonstrated throughout history was amazing. Even the theory itself could try to hold ground as an actual scientific theory. I was truly impressed with the amount of planning and thought that had to go into this novel."
I am going to keep reading, but I am very confused right now as to how the second section fits into this story. I'm hoping the post I found will help me understand.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 31 May 2016, 15:23
by barb429
I wasn't very certain if I would like this book very much. Usually when I equate a book with being about war, I start getting pretty bored. I enjoyed this beginning of this book though, because it did get my attention right away. Yes, I was a bit confused, but it got my attention from the beginning.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 06 Jun 2016, 11:30
by Annelore Trujillo
I thought the opening was very captivating. This type of book isn't normally one that I would read, but the opening really drew me in and made me excited to read the book. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm glad that the beginning was engaging enough to make me want to read the book.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 04 Jul 2016, 11:07
by Mares Nest
I read the synopsis and blurbs for Save The Last Bullet For God (that is a very impressive and interesting title) and I wasn't that impressed. But ah, I'll read it anyways.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 04 Jul 2016, 17:45
by Taylor Razzani
Mares Nest wrote:I read the synopsis and blurbs for Save The Last Bullet For God (that is a very impressive and interesting title) and I wasn't that impressed. But ah, I'll read it anyways.
The book kind of goes off in a weird direction so you might be in luck. :wink:

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 15:22
by Amheiser
Now that I have finished this story, i'm glad I kept reading. Except for the section on the wars, which I thought was a little long and gory, I thought this was a very interesting story. After finishing the second section, I finally understood what was going on.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 19:35
by Kourtney Bradley
I've just started the book recently because of the positive views on it so far. But as of where I am now, I can't seem to get in to it as I hoped to. I feel like I'm losing interest and having to go back to re-read some paragraphs.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 30 Jul 2016, 18:14
by CrescentMoon
As others have said I felt like the opening was a little bit confusing especially when I first began reading. But I think it was definitely easier to understand the more of the story I read. This did take awhile to get into because for me personally this book isn't what I typically read. But it was interesting to read something different and it was unique.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 04:21
by Naval Aulakh
I too liiked the opening of the book. It draws the reader towards it.

Re: The Opening...

Posted: 03 Mar 2019, 20:03
by Nisha Ward
I've only read a small bit but I like that the opening gives you just enough to pull you in but not too much. The bit about the ship, especially, caught me in a way that reminded me of the submarine episode of Welcome to Night Vale even though they're different in both tone and content.