Is gun really the answer?

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Re: Is gun really the answer?

Post by KCWolf »

I've started a poem on this very subject. I have a background in security and criminal justice, and I've learned that guns are not the only weapon you can use to defend yourself and your loved ones. For instance, if someone broke into my house I could grab a fireplace poker to defend myself.

However, there is the old expression "Never bring a knife to a gun fight." :? So I guess it really depends on the person, the situation, and what type of danger they are in.
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Post by Eclecticmama »

We have two guns in our home, a 380, which is locked and loaded, and hidden where only we can get to it. The other, a shotgun, is unloaded, and in plain view to anyone who looks into our home.
We live in a low income area and we have crime. We cannot have a dog, because my husband and son are allergic. We live about five minutes away from the nearest police station, but crime still happens. While we don't want to use them, if its the difference between a bad guy getting a bullet or me or my family, you better believe I am going to defend my family.
As long as you are a responsible with them, and know how to use them, guns are safe.
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Post by Brandy C »

Yes, guns are the answer when used properly in the right circumstances. As with anything else, it depends on the circumstances and your reaction to it. For example, if someone cuts you off in traffic and flips you the bird, you are not justified in shooting at them. Now, if someone breaks in your home and is threatening your life or the life of your loved ones, yes you would be justified in using a gun. Guns are also used for hunting and recreation. Society is quick to blame guns. Is it the cars fault when some idiot decides to mow down a crowd of people because of their belief’s? No, it's the person operating the car. The same applies to guns. When there is a mass shooting it isn't the guns fault, it is the person(s) using the gun. Yes, I do believe in better gun laws. There is no reason that a criminal or anyone on a watchlist should be issued a gun. The laws need to be researched and revised. However, I do support the 2nd amendment and our rights to bear arms.
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Post by Felicity Granger »

This is an interesting dilemma. It raises the question of the 'to kill or be killed' scenario. Personally, I don't believe in the taking of another human life, no matter the cause. I do believe that protecting oneself is of utmost importance and whosoever has the bigger, better weapon is the victor. Despite that, guns aren't the only means of doing so.
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Post by Atara Miles »

The gun should used without the intent to kill. When people ask if the gun is really the answer I feel like what's really being asked is if death of the other person threatening your life or the lives of those around you is something that should be condoned. There are so many other alternatives but I think most people go for the gun because it's the easiest, quickest way they can think of that ends with them coming out alive.
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Post by Erandi Ekanayake »

I think the gun must be the last option, even there is a need to use it for the sake of self defence. However I personally have no love for guns and never expect to use one, even to save myself.
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Post by Namaste23 »

I don’t believe guns are the answer. Of course for this to actually work, nobody would have a gun. Then people would have to figure out other ways to protect themselves.
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Post by Grachi Chloe »

In as much as a gun can be used for self defense in protecting one's life and family , it is never the answer
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Post by Stephanie Keener »

I do not believe that a gun is the only answer. However, if you are in a situation where the bad guy has a gun, you will not be able to protect yourself or your loved ones against that - unless you have a gun as well. Even if stricter gun laws are put into place, the bad guys will always find a way to get the guns and ammunition that they need. There will always be a black market for things of that nature. The best bet is to have a gun but to also be trained in how to properly handle and use that gun.
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Post by J Edwards »

From the perspective of this book, and the actions of majority of final notice recipients, I think guns were more of a problem than a solution. From a realistic point of view and my personal opinion, I also don't think we can keep crime levels by owning guns all of us. People are fundamentally different and quite a number will always see this as an opportunity to get ahead of others by using their guns to steal or even murder.
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Post by Alexandur Gicov »

As unpleasant as it sounds, yes weapons often turn out to be the answer and the solution. But only when your life and the lives of your loved ones are endangered. If the situation is life or death.
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Post by J Edwards »

would prefer strengthened law enforcement agencies do the work of protecting the citizenry than arming everybody. My answer is NO, guns are not and will never be the answer.
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Post by Amy Luman »

I don’t think a gun is any sort of protection unless you are willing to use it, and I am not. As you can see, ready access to guns makes life much more dangerous, not safer. I’ not prepared to say what would be best, though.
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Post by Chimezie Agbata »

The question should be are guns the only alternative we have for protection? If they are not then we should be promoting other ways to protect ourselves from intruders. I say this because i am not happy with the number of guns in the hands of wrong people. All my life, i have not touched a gun and i have not plan to use any.
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Post by Favour Ugwu Chidinma »

Gun could be and could not. The advantage and disadvantage of owing or having a gun at house is inevitable.
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