Featured Official Interview: Rob White (The Maestro Monologue)

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Featured Official Interview: Rob White (The Maestro Monologue)

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Today's Chat with Sarah features Rob White whose book The Maestro Monologue was just released. Also, his book And Then I Met Margaret was previously book of the month.

To view the official review, click here.

To view the book on Amazon, click here.

To view the book of the month discussion for And Then I Met Margaret, click here.

1. You've done quite a few different things in your life. How did you come to be an author?

I came to be an author because it’s time to give back. And being an author is the perfect way for me to do that. Life has given me so much, and now it’s my turn to give back by contributing to the growth and advancement of humanity, the whole human family.

2. From being a school teacher to a successful east and west coast real estate developer, to a winning restaurateur, to a best selling author and popular speaker, which was the most challenging?

What was most challenging in all of the above changes in career was that I had to jump into the unknown. And that requires “dying” of who I was so I could redefine myself anew. For that’s what it takes to truly experience a brand-new life. It always begins with experiencing a brand new “me.” A new “me” comes with a new way of being, and a new way of being gives me a new way of seeing, which gives me new possibilities to set my sights on.

3. Let's talk about your most recent book, The Maestro Monologue. For those that are unfamiliar, can you give us a brief synopsis?

The Maestro Monologue introduces you to the “two YOUs” in your life. You don’t need an education to be the authentic you, but you do need to awaken to the fact that there is an “other self” that is confusing you.

This book introduces you to the Maestro, the authentic you, the “I AM” that you were born to be. This is the marvelously made you who is totally capable of conducting your daily affairs and orchestrating your many earthly destinies in ways that turn your dreams into reality.

However, two years after you were born, came the “terrible twos.” Not nearly as terrible for your parents as they were for you. That’s when you were introduced to that powerful one-syllable word, “NO.” And that’s when you innocently and unwittingly gave birth to “The Intruder,” the unwanted mental houseguest that took up camp in your mind and slowly took over your life. That happened as the NOs kept rolling in. By age five you’d heard 60,000 NO’s, and this “other self” began thinking, feeling, and acting your life out for you. You know when “The Intruder” is running the show; it’s when you feel insecure and inadequate, or inferior in some manner.

My book takes you back to ground zero, where it all began, and brings you up to where you are right now with your life. Are you willing to become aware of what you’ve been unaware of? If you are, what you will find out about yourself is remarkable, even transformational.

My book also spells out in simple detail what you need to do to quell The Intruder, so your authentic self—The Maestro—can take back control. If you read this book from start to finish, and you bring your life with you while reading this book, I feel certain that the person you are when you open the book will not be the person you are when you close it.

4. How is The Maestro Monologue different from other self-help books?

Who we really are is who we rarely are because we are too busy being who we are not—The Intruder! And until we are willing to deal with that, trying to improve our lives is a monumental task that is rarely satisfying.

One way my book—The Maestro Monologue—is different from other self-help books is that it explains in detail why self-help doesn’t work for so many folks. In fact, self-help becomes self-harm when The Intruder is running the show. That great pretender, that illusory entity that does a great job convincing you that “it” is you, will also convince you that “it” is working hard on your behalf. However, “it” has no intention of allowing you to improve, and that’s because if you do, that is the end of “it.”

5. Have the knowledge and insights in the book worked in your life, and if so, how?

The knowledge and insights I offer in this book are incredible elixirs if one follows the inner dialogue I offer in the book, which is specifically—the Monologue offered in chapter 24. That monologue has taken me to new heights in all areas of my life from intimate relationships to remarkable business successes to higher degrees of spiritual enlightenment. How? It’s all available in the five ingredients of the Maestro Monologue recipe. The Maestro “Monologue” is a way of talking to yourself about yourself that has a powerful, positive impact on you.

6. I've seen a reviewer state that the book discusses that we are all schizophrenic. Can you shed some light on that?

Well now, I saw that interpretation and smiled. And that reviewer also said the book was very promising and gave it four out of four stars. One definition of schizophrenia is “a mentality or approach to life that is characterized by inconsistent elements of behavior.” When The Maestro and The Intruder are vying for first-place position in your mind, you will find yourself advancing and falling back consistently. Many folks spend a lifetime doing that. My book frees you from that psychic circle, by offering you a way to enhance your relationship with the authentic you—The Maestro.

There is a beautiful life beyond the life The Intruder gives you. All it takes is remembering what’s true about you that you’d forgotten long ago, during the terrible two, when the NOs came rolling in.

7. Similarly, you speak of an other self with his "poisonality," what do you mean by that?

You are naturally curious and ambitious. Watch small children. They express themselves with a personality that is brilliant.

However, when the NO’s come rolling in, the WOES follow. That’s when children begin feeling like helpless victims. To the extent that they identify with the NOs, their personality becomes toxic to their growth and enhancement. That is the “poisonality” of The Intruder, that “other self” that has convinced you that it is you.

8. What is the key message you want to convey?

My key message is the Ultimate Understanding, found in the book. We are all rich and majestic children of infinite intelligence, we are marvelously made, and we are here to reveal, feel and share all that is good and beautiful about us.

9. This was not your first book. And Then I Met Margaret was previously book of the month. Was The Maestro Monologue easier or more difficult to write and why?

I have written five books. This last book—The Maestro Monologue—has been a remarkable challenge. Why? Because I put all of me, and all of my life lessons into this book. It took me five years to write this book, and it was worth every marvelous second of it.

How about a few more fun questions.

10. If you could change anything about yourself would you? If you would, what would it be?

If I could change anything about myself, I would like to uncover any remaining beliefs that stop me from changing anything I want to change about myself. In other words, I feel deeply that being a human being is being a possibility for infinite possibilities. Yet there are times when I can still hesitate when a new challenge besets me. I would like to always see those challenges as opportunities, rather than consider them scary.

11. What one person, living or dead, would you want to have a meal with?

I would love to sit down and dine with William Shakespeare. What a mind! What insights he offers us into the nature of being a human being. Shakespeare contributed nearly 2,000 words to the English language by converting nouns to verbs, and converting verbs to adjectives, and just plain “inventing new words" to get his points of view across. As an author, he is my hero!

12. How do you relax?

Nothing is more relaxing to me than going on a long, meditative walk with Shakespeare on my shoulder. Shakespeare is my parrot friend of 37 years. He has taught me so much about being patient and living from absolute transparency and authenticity.
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Post by _Damilare2015 »

A very wonderful book that explains in detail why self-help doesn’t work for so many folks
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I love that so many life lessons are in this book. I am wowed by the way most self-help books are defined. I like the term And definition of the Intruder. and when deal with the intruder inside of yourself , it makes you realize the never ending possibilities in sight
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I enjoyed the whole interview. Firstly I appreciate how the author grew from a school teacher to restaurateur and then best novel selling author. I love how the author has defined how Maestro Monologue is particularly different from other self-help books. The fact the author has started from point zero (the day we were born )
Is appreciating.
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Quite an insightful interview. Firstly, the book sounds very interesting, will be on my list for sure. Secondly, can we just applause the author for trying out different professions, completely opposite to each other but binded by creativity. Very inspiring! Thank you for a great interview!
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Thanks, that interview was very insightful for a girl wanting to become a writer. Knowing how you came to be a writer is very inspiring.
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Post by Victor ODEYEMI »

This book is so transformational. The two personalities in every man are exposed. While one of them is good, the other is bad. Giving the control to the bad one will limit a man. However, one will always live a victorious life if the control is restored to the good personality that we were borne with.
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Post by Ivam »

very nice tnx
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Post by Keisha Mitchell 1 »

What an insightful interview. Appreciate it.
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Post by Ishaku A »

I thought the interview is another book itself. Well done keep it up
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Post by Bombasticsideeye »

From the interview, its evident that the author has diverse life experiences and therefore many good life lessons to teach through this book.
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_Damilare2015 wrote: 26 Sep 2021, 01:54 A very wonderful book that explains in detail why self-help doesn’t work for so many folks
I found this idea so interesting! Typically we think of self help books, as something to be helpful. Until reading this I never realized that for some people they’re the opposite of what’s needed.
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Post by Mahmood Aziz »

I enjoyed the whole review I love her progress from a school teacher to a restaurateur and then an author of best selling book. she is inspiration for me
I have got so many lesson from this interview and the thing that o love the most is as described .

We are all rich and majestic children of infinite intelligence, we are marvelously made, and we are here to reveal, feel and share all that is good and beautiful about us.
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Post by Fareed Regal »

Great interview. Well done!
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Post by Rovika Sundaram »

An interesting interview. I really am fascinated by the author. The way she made her progress through a number of careers has piqued me.
Latest Review: Yesterday by Samyann
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