5 Rules to Write Good Articles

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5 Rules to Write Good Articles

Post by salmablog »

Writing well is subject to a number of guidelines. Structure aids in generating ideas and establishing a flow when faced with a blank paper and a blank mind. But good writing has more components than just structure.

Other fundamentals for doing decent, or even exceptional work include creativity, staying topical, and cutting out extra words that annoy the reader. Rules are applicable to both academic and creative writing since they shape the scope and caliber of your work.

carry out extensive research

In-depth research is necessary for credible writing, or at the very least, research that is appropriate for the article or essay you intend to write. Although it could be intriguing to your loved ones, your own opinion is rarely necessary in a well-written essay.

Use data from trustworthy sources to back up your claims. To avoid plagiarism, be sure to cite your sources. Theft is not excellent writing, and claiming work as your own is not good writing either.
Choose your topic and if you want your post to be informational, contentious, or anything else. Create a primary headline and subheadings that correspond to your goal. Once you have them in place, you may add further sub-headings and concepts under each. Essentially, you are brainstorming for your project, which creates a framework for your material.

Begin your writing by including a "hook" of intrigue in your introduction. Following that, the first sentence of each paragraph must refer to a different heading. Also, make sure to end each paragraph with an introduction to what comes next.

Be brief

To be concise in writing, you must eliminate unnecessary words and fluff from your article. Learn effective writing habits from the beginning, and you will be well prepared for writing duties throughout your education or writing profession. Certain software programmes can assist you in checking your work for superfluous wording that is distracting.

If you are unable to locate an appropriate free programme, ask a friend to read through your work and assist you in editing it. You should also look through your writing numerous times, read it aloud, and consider whether all of the words in each sentence are necessary.

Always proofread your work

Yes, you have a proofreading tool on your computer, but it is insufficient. You must truly read over your work to identify errors. Grammar and spelling mistakes are readily overlooked, which is why multiple read-throughs are necessary. Read aloud to avoid speedreading and losing concentration when finding errors.

Your proofreading process is also a fantastic opportunity to weed out the fluff. Consider whether a sentence reads well. Is this correct? Can you express your message in fewer words without losing meaning? Proofreading is always suggested in order to generate your finest work.

Relevance and originality

Good writing requires both right and left brain thinking. Writers should be able to use critical thinking to determine the topic's relevance to their audience. Grammar and focused content, as well as the writing style you choose, are critical to sustaining audience attention.

A creative approach to your writing, similarly, is more likely to keep your audience interested than the ordinary. Find obscure information to incorporate in your post. Expand your content to include different topics and disciplines without deviating into irrelevant territory.
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Okewunmi Pelumi
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Post by Okewunmi Pelumi »

Thanks so much for this information. Yes, this rules needs to be followed if one want to persuade people with one's writings.
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Post by Zoey141 »

Just a head's up on a free resource. Now that it's common we run through tools and proofreaders. I'd suggest you try running it through Paperrater - a free essay checker website. Do let me know if you guys liked it.
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Post by Sameeha Ismail »

I'm not an article write, but I found the information you gave useful. Even in creative writing, we must do research. For example, I had to learn the jargons of photography while writing a short story about a photographer. Relevance and proofreading are also important. Thank you for summing up the rules.
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