Action/Adventure Genre Discussion

For November 2021 Genre Discussion we'll be reading Action/Adventure books.
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Action/Adventure Genre Discussion

Post by gali »

For the month of November 2021, we will be reading Action/Adventures book.

Action can be considered a genre that uses suspense in a way that gets readers excited "to know how the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist is going to be resolved or what the solution to the puzzle of a thriller is." Typically, this genre emphasizes on "exciting action sequences." (wikipedia)

Adventure can be thought of as a genre "that usually presents danger, or gives the reader a sense of excitement." The actual adventure is usually outside the protagonist's everyday life, and can include some danger and action. (wikipedia)

Please discuss the following:
  • Share the title and author of the book you read.
  • Was it primarily an action-based novel or adventure-based? What makes this book an action, adventure, or action/adventure read?
  • Were there other genres woven into the text?
  • What were your impressions?
  • Would you recommend the book you read? Why or why not?
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