Official Interview: James Doucette

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Official Interview: James Doucette

Post by kandscreeley »


Today's Chat with Sarah features James Doucette author of multiple books including Russia's Biggest Hack, The Last Assassination, and The Not So Great American Novel.

To view the author's page which includes all his books, click here.


1. When did you know you wanted to write a book?

I first wrote while I was undergoing Chemo Therapy and Radiation treatments for a Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma starting in 2012. My memory deteriorated as the treatments progressed. My doctor assured me that with mental exercises, I could speed my recovery. A memoir is challenging to write, but it helped me restore my memory. Once I completed a draft, I set it aside.

Shortly after that, our niece, Sarah Kortright, visited us. In our conversation, I joked that I had written the "Great American Novel" well, not so great. The title stuck. I know a memoir is not a novel, but as we use to say in Brooklyn, "It's my lie, I'll say anyway I want to."

Anyway, Sarah urged me to complete the book. Unbeknownst to me, Sarah had been an editor. I worked on the draft. My wife helped by adding proper punctuations and correcting my spelling. Between Sarah and my wife, we completed The Not So Great American Novel. Sarah had worked with Aloha Publishing for several years, and while memoirs were not part of their portfolio, they agreed to publish my book. I had no idea how publishing worked. Amazon books and Kindle published my book. I had copies printed and sent to my children, grandchildren, and a few friends. To my amazement, I got reviews.

I wrote my first novella, Stealing Fire.The discussions on the onlinebookclub highlighted numerous errors, typos, misspelling, etc. I tried to correct the mistakes and republished it as Russia's Biggest Hack. My next book was The Last Assassination. I was determined to do better. However, typos and misspellings crept into the manuscript.

I contacted Aloha and asked if they'd work with me publishing my ministers' sermons titled, Witnesses to the Crucifixion. It's been the book of the day twice; the messages have affected people around the world.

My latest effort, Flat Top Mountain Ranch - The Beginning, was published and edited by Aloha Publishing. It represents a shift in tempo and message.

2. What book or author influenced you most on your journey?

As a young adult, I read a lot of science fiction. A few of my favorites were Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, and Frank Herbert. My all-time favorite writer is J.R.R. Tolkien.

I enjoyed reading the early books by Tom Clancy. Contemporary writers I like to read are John Grisham, Barry Eisler, David Baldacci, and C.J. Box.

The books of Doris Kerns Goodwin and David McCullough are writers who bring history to life for me.

Tolkien inspired me. I read his complete works twice.

3. What does your family think of your writing or books?

My family is very supportive. My wife's never-ending patience is a blessing.

4. Let's talk about your books. First of all, you have novels across several genres - C/T/M/H, historical fiction, and non-fiction. How do you manage such a variety and which is your favorite?

I have many interests and opinions. Genre is not something I consider. I write when I think I have something to say. My last book, Flat Top Mountain Ranch – The Beginning, was my first attempt to bring the history of West Texas to my readers. Time will tell if I succeeded.

5. The Last Assassination is a political thriller. Is there a statement you wanted to make?

The Last Assassination had several goals. I wanted the reader to realize that the Middle East is an unsolvable Rubik's cube. The western nations have provided fuel for the area's historical adversaries. Each U.S. President since Truman has tried and failed to secure a lasting peace. Our arrogance exacerbates this task. Do we know what's best for you?

President Eisenhower, in his farewell address, warned our nation of the influence of the military complex. At this point in our history, this cannot be a conspiracy; it's a zeitgeist. Before World War Two, we had a standing army of about one hundred thousand. Today, military spending accounts for fifty-four percent of all federal discretionary spending.

Alliances in the Middle East shift as does the desert sand. The saying the enemy of my enemy is at its worst nihilistic.

6. It has assassins trained by the Mossad. How did you learn more about the Mossad to make the book realistic?

The training manuals of the Mossad are readily available, and they trained the Mossad. Much of this information is available on Wikipedia.

7. Any plans for a different type of novel in the future? What's currently in the works?

I have two ideas I'm working on:

1 - A contemporary western novel using the Flat Top Mountain Ranch as a backdrop.

2 – An update on The Last Assassination. A local reading group asked me what happens to the protagonists.

Let's end on some fun questions.

8. What would be your dream car?

My dream car is a nineteen forty-nine Ford with full white walls.

9. What's your favorite holiday and why?

Easter. My salvation is the risen Christ, who conquered death.

10. What TV show would you most want to be trapped in if you had to pick one?

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.

11. What's your favorite quote?

"If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas"—source: My Uncle Hermie Berkowitz.
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
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Post by Ochieng Omuodo »

The Last Assassination seems positively intriguing. Where can I find it?
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Post by James Doucette »

Amazon books or kindle
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Post by Okewunmi Pelumi »

This is an inspiring write up. Thanks for sharing this.
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Amazing piece of interview. Thanks for sharing looking forward to reading your book.
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