Official Interview: Andrew Lock

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Official Interview: Andrew Lock

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Today's Chat with Sarah features Andrew Lock author of Walt Disney's Way.

To view the official review, click here.

To view the book on Amazon, click here.


1. What do you do when you aren't writing?

I enjoy travel very much. Obviously Covid has affected everyone’s ability to travel, but I've been leveraging my love for, and experience with, travel into a new online TV show called The Travel Pro, for people who love travel. It’s an entertaining look at the week’s travel news, along with tips about how to get more upgrades, perks, and VIP status. It’s available at:

2. What's your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment is to help small business owners with literally thousands of hours of free training, via my long-running WebTV Show, “Help My Business!”

3. Tell us about your first experience as an entrepreneur.

I grew up in England, and as a young teenager at school, most of my friends were doing a paper round to make some extra money. For me, there were two problems with that: first, I hated mornings! I really hated mornings! Second, it was really hard work for just 2 pounds a day in the mid 1980’s (about $3).

One day while travelling on a bus to school, I overheard some old ladies complain to each other about not being able to carry bags of potatoes home; they were just too heavy. That sparked an idea, and within a week I had started a new business at the age of 14!

I found a local farm that was willing to supply large sacks of potatoes, and my parents drove me to collect them. I then divided the potatoes into small, clear plastic bags, and with a “cart” made from skateboard wheels and some spare wood from my dad’s carpentry business, I went to areas that I knew were dominated by elderly people. I knocked on door after door and gradually refined my ‘pitch’ until I sold out of potatoes.

It was a big hit! The combination of my gumption and the practical service I was offering made it an instant success. I was happy. The grannies were happy. Oh, and I didn’t have to get up at 5am in the freezing British winter like most of my school mates were doing! The money was great, too. I was earning 18 – 20 times all the other kids in my class and having fun at the same time.

4. Let's discuss your book Walt Disney's Way. What made you decide to write a book for business owners?

For the last 12 years I’ve taken groups of business owners on behind-the-scenes tours at the Disney parks. Over that time I realized that all the books out there about the business side of Walt and the Disney company are designed for the needs of large corporations; there was nothing for small business owners, so I saw a gap in the market that needed to be filled!

5. Why Walt Disney?

When I was in my early teens, I picked up a Reader's Digest magazine that featured an article about Walt Disney. I was fascinated by his own background and story of struggles. At the time I was being bullied at school and I resonated on a deep level with what was described about Walt. From that day I began a quest to learn more about him and the company he built, and I’ve never stopped learning about him over the last 3 decades!

6. How long did you research this before starting the book?

It was a long process to research and write the book. Overall, it was a 4 year journey, but I believe that shows in the final quality of the work, which I’m very proud of.

7. What was the most difficult part of writing this non-fiction guide?

The most difficult part was verifying historical facts. There are many sources that claim to have knowledge about Walt and the Disney company, but over the years many of the stories have been embellished or changed, so I tried to go back to the most authoritative stories or Walt’s own words wherever possible.

8. What's next for you? Is there another book in the works?

This was my seventh book, so I’m sure there’ll be another one!

I like to end on fun questions.

9. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I'm definitely a night-owl. I like the peace and tranquility of the late evening hours.

10. What's your favorite food?

My favorite food is a slice of thin-crust Hawaiian Pizza! Yum ;-)

11. What's an interesting quirk that you have?

Even though I’ve lived in the U.S. for 18 years now, I still haven’t lost my British accent!

12. Would you rather drive, fly, ride, or take a train?

I appreciate all of those modes of transport, but for me, nothing beats the thrill of jetting off to a far-flung destination, it never gets old!
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
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Precious Naiti
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This author seems like a very genuine and interesting person. I simply love his work and would love to read his books.
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