Could you date someone who doesn't read?

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Ravyn Yoakum
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Re: Could you date someone who doesn't read?

Post by Ravyn Yoakum »

I’ve been dating my spouse for nearly 2 years now and will most likely be marrying him within the next year or so. This is a funny question to me because when we first started talking to each other he knew I loved to read and he used to say he loved to read too. One of our first dates was going to the bookstore and getting a book we could share. He’s never opened a single book on my bookshelf not even the book we picked out that he really wanted. Recently I have been a little frustrated with him because finding quiet space and time for me to read is now almost impossible. When I read in bed he gets annoyed that I’m not paying attention to him or he tells me to go to bed even after I say I’m trying to finish a chapter. I’m sure I can last the relationship with this issue as eventually our work schedules will be skewed and I will most definitely have more me time to read. After so long I’m almost very sure that my spouse was never the book lover he claimed to be, it’s cute to think he just wanted to impress me.
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Sony Wilson
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Post by Sony Wilson »

From my perspective, not only reading makes a person wise and think differently. A person with adequate life experiences will also be mature and may have all the knowledge that could be acquired from books. For instance, if you hear from an old aged man for some time you may feel that they are wise this is because they have more life experiences than you.
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Post by Aishwarya KG »

Similar to how the site admin says, there's nothing going on with me like such. I don't think reading is a factor to date someone and does not define the quality and character of the person if he/she doesn't like to read and doesn't read any books. So, I say a YES to date someone who doesn't read.
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Post by MBerretta »

This is an interesting question.
I actually married somebody who doesn't read. He has maybe 3 whole books contributing to our library. The thing is that he's very intelligent and will read things pertaining to his interest like his job or gaming but he could never sit down and read a book for hours.
I don't mind it so much because he likes to listen to me talk about the books I'm reading. The only aggravating thing is sometimes he demands attention when I'm smack dab in the middle of a chapter and doesn't understand why I need to finish it.
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Post by Kuilawrence083 »

Interesting! i don't feel like that would be an issue. but that would also means we will talk less because i love talking about books and reading is what i do most.
He/she might be a fun of nature, movies or watching documentaries, so reading books wouldn't bother me at all
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Post by mansi_160 »

YES cause I don't think it will be an issue. Reading for me is a hobby and I cannot expect everyone to like it.
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Post by Michelle Menezes »

My husband doesn't like to read. I was very young when we started dating, so I never really thought much about it. But now I wish he would read so that I could discuss books with him. I come across couple who enjoy doing buddy reads and it sometimes makes me jealous, but I can't do anything about it. I did make a bookstagram account to discover and interact with people who share my love for books, so I guess it's fine.
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Post by Amanda Dobson »

I was in a relationship with someone who didn’t read. For me I am the reader in my family. That doesn’t mean that the relationships I have with them is any less. I did find though it interesting as the person that I had a relationship with would watch every movie that was based on a book. So I made a point of reading the book so that when we watched the movie it would create a great discussion on the different perspectives. This was our way of merging what we both liked to then discuss a common topic.
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Post by Jessi_reads »

I already dated a few guys who did not read and even though they were really nice it still bothered me at some point because it was really hard for me to read in those relationships. Normally I would say its not necessary but the other person needs to respect my reading as well as I respect that he does not read.
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Post by Shreya Mishra 3 »

I can date someone who doesn't read. It is not necessary for both of us to have same passions. Besides there are a lot of things to talk about in a relationship.
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Post by thepensivist »

Yes and no. My boyfriend isn't an avid reader like I am, but he can appreciate a good book and what it does, especially to me :roll2: So long as my partner is cool with my weird reading binges and obsession, it's all good for me!
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Post by Abdullahi A 2 »

No!,because reading enrich the mind with a light that chase away all sorts of darkness(illiteracy).
Reading helps in keeping the heart fully concenntrated with love oneself,partners,neighbours e.t.c.
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Post by zayyyna »

maybe yes maybe no ,it all depends how that person that my reading habit if my partner is cool and gives me enough time to read ,i 'll definetly date her
Marie Blackwell
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Post by Marie Blackwell »

Could I date with someone who doesn't read? I most certainly could. Would it last? It most certainly wouldn't. I find it extremely difficult to connect with someone at a deeper emotional level if I'm unable to share with him one of the most importants parts of my life: reading.

For me reading is not just my passion but a job and a way of life. Because when we read we nurture our minds, we learn new skills, we open doors to fantastic worlds and sophisticated researchs and more. In essence, reading is fundamental for our personal development.

Being able to express myself about those wonderful experiences it's something that I love, ergo why I would love to have a partner in crime with whom engage in this soul deep connection.
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Post by Durga MS »

5 months ago I would've said no, but now I guess I understand that it's not really an issue for me. The reason is obviously the fact that I'm dating someone who doesn't read. He is fond of movies though. So anyone can guess what our arguments are about :lol2:
It's fun to be honest, the little debates on books and movies. He's very understanding of my need to read and is always open to my ideas about a certain book. I reciprocate that. We listen to each other, without having to force anything . I guess it works for me. Also it's always about the person's response to your needs and how willing they are, to understand them. For the right person, we might bend the rules a bit :wink:
Latest Review: Perfect by Judi Miller
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