Official Interview: Michael Tieman

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Official Interview: Michael Tieman

Post by kandscreeley »

Good day! Today's Chat with Sarah features Michael Tieman author of Killing Abel. This was book of the month in June of 2020.

To view the first official review, click here

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1. So that we can get to know more about who you are, tell us what a typical day looks like for you.

I wake with the sun, so it changes as the sun changes during the years. Sunday, I sleep in :)

I usually roll into work between 7 and 9 am; I am owner and manager of a small manufacturing business.

I sometimes do my emails at home but if not I do them at work, takes an hour.

I like writing, so I will sometimes work on my current blogging. I post most of my thoughts on

I like writing about the forbidden subjects, politics and religion. I also enjoy the intersection of the two subjects using science to make my points.

I take care of the pressing issues at work and take off around noon.

Then, I will play golf, go to the gym or go boating at the lake and or do something with my kids.

During the day I try to make plans for the evening, whether it be a dinner date or maybe cocktails with friends or just relax in front of the TV. In bed by 10

2. As an author, what has been your favorite book to read?

My favorite books are all current events. Probably besides the Bible, I would go with William Greider, Secrets of the Temple, or I liked James Bovard, The Free Trade Fraud. I also liked Mark Levin books - Men in Black and others.

3. Let's talk about your book, Killing Abel. The book takes the book of Genesis in the Bible and expounds on it. What inspired you to write such a book?

Well, I heard a sermon from my favorite pastor "Bob Enyart" and he mentioned in the sermon that he didn't know and really had no clue as to what the "mark" of Cain was mentioned in Genesis. Which I found odd. I have always "known" and or believed what the "mark" of Cain is/was. I started to research what I believed and I couldn't find any foundation for what I believed?? So to this date, I don't know where I got the idea of just what the mark of Cain was. So, I started to write a short story on just how and why Cain received the mark. I like writing and just couldn't stop. By the time I started getting the book edited I was at 85K words and every editor I went to kept having me add more to it. In the final edit, they wanted more, but I said it is already long enough. LOL

4. How difficult was it to extrapolate what happened while not changing the Biblical story?

It wasn't difficult at all; it was a joy and I could have kept going and going - it could have been war and peace! LOL I can't wait to start writing the sequel which is called First Born. It will cover Noah to the New Testament. This book will attempt to explain why there is war and why wars are fought.

5. Did a lot of research go into this book? What type of research did you do?

I would't call it a lot, research is so easy with the internet. My guiding principle was Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is always preferred.

If a reader can find a simpler explanation to match the known mile stones in the Bible, then that would be preferred over my envisioned scenarios. I would search others' visions of Biblical events and always look for a simpler explanation for that event, as the simper explanation is always preferred. Generally the simplest explanation was never considered and I went with that.

6. Killing Abel is classified as Christian fiction. Is that the type of reader that you are trying to reach?

No, not really, I think this book is perfect for non-believers.

Example: Far and above, the most pleasing aspect of writing this book, has been reading the reviews. Without any question or hesitation, reading the reviews for Killing Abel has been one of the most edifying events in my life. I recently had a review from a reader who opened the review with, "the Church is going to have a field day with this book." WOW. She is so so right. There has been many insightful comments in the Killing Abel book reviews but her comment stands out!

I love being a Christian, and I love Churches. They are so diverse in beliefs and parishioners; I just love it, but that love is never requited. Oddly enough I am fine with that as well. It is counter intuitive but strong beliefs don't really fit into many Churches, unless you start your own. After all, churches are organizations and a certain amount of adherence to doctrine is demanded in all corporate entities, and rightfully so. That is the precise reason that no organization is immortal, they will all go away sooner or later, and again rightfully so.

7. This is the first book in the Yes series. Is the next book also based on a Bible story and if so, can you tell us which one?

I covered that above. Just to expand, I envision 3 books, that are based on the Bible all of them will view God as "open."

Open meaning that God can do what He wants to do and is not a slave to His word or anything else, but is a Loving Father who wants the best for His children.

And . . . I have a screen play for Killing Abel, that will hopefully be made some day.

How about a few fun questions.

8. If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I want to say Pizza but I love steak also so, how about Pizza with steak as a topping, or is that fudging the premise of the question?

9. What's your favorite zoo animal?

I took my kids to the San Diego Zoo, a while back. I asked them the same question; one of my daughters said the Giraffe. My son liked the Rhinos and me, I went with the Brown Bear. What a magnificent animal! I just could not believe just how large the head of the bear was!

10. What's the one thing you're most afraid of?

I am not a fan of jumping out of perfectly good airplane . . . LOL and or things that crawl, especially large snakes!

11. What would be your dream vacation?

I have had many dream vacations. I guess on my bucket list would be a week in a fast car touring Italy. That would be fun!
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
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Chimereucheya Okoroafo
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Post by Chimereucheya Okoroafo »

Haha! This is nice. At this point, I'm reading the book and it's lovely reading about what the author had thought while writing this book.
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Some of the questions I'd wanted to ask are now ask here, while I've just finished reading Killing Abel. But another thing I wanted to know and curiously is his physical look, can't find his picture anywhere. I so much like his book. And points concerning him—his age, where he live and like that. His book just paints him genius in my sight.
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Robert Obikanyi
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Post by Robert Obikanyi »

I just finished reading Killing Abel and I just loved it. I feel his thought process must have been really ingenious.
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Eriikeoluwa Nimi
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Earnestly waiting for the next book.
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Post by NdegwaSalome »

I love how he expounded on the bible, without necessarily altering its message too much in his book Killing Abel.
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I love reading about an author's daily routine. They are all so different and you can tell from reading their books.
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Post by Chandelier Eden »

Oh my... This author is bold. I mean, I doubt have ever been this bold about my faith and beliefs. Nice interview and thank you for the strength of character you showed here. It is an inspiration and I look forward to reading this book.
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I remember very much enjoying this book when I read it even as a non-believer, so he is right that it is perfect for us! Such great insight into his writing and reasonings for it.
Slimeball 555
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It's always nice to see the process behind these books. I'm currently reading killing Abel and stumbled unto this interview.
Christiana Legbara
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I always thought that christians are the target audience for Killing Abel.
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