What is your favorite quote from this book and why?

Use this forum to discuss the May 2022 Book of the month, "The Maestro Monologue: Discover your Genius, Defeat your intruder, Design your destiny" by Rob White.
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Re: What is your favorite quote from this book and why?

Post by Simmons32 »

I just read this and loved it. “You are an artist. Your life is your work of art. Identify with the artist within. Resolve to solve always. Never choose to limp when you can soar.” Being an artist, this really spoke to me. This has so much truth to it. As an artist, you always come across challenges. When those challenges occur, the artist can either choose to start over or turn that challenge or mistake into a masterpiece. You don’t have to let anything get in your way. You just have to be creative and think of a solution to the problem. Then implement that solution.
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Post by Nwankwo GC »

This has to be my favorite as well "There is no coal of character so dead that it won’t glow and flame if but slightly turned". It offers a sense of hope regardless of how hopeless a person believes their situation to be.
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Post by Rob White »

Have you ever noticed that the quotes you like, they are "revealings"? They reveal what interests you, which immediately reveals a lot about you. I appreciate that I have selected quotes that you like. They speak a lot about you.

And yet another of my favorite quotes, found in my book is: "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates. For sure, when we are willing to look at ourselves objectively, and talk to ourselves about what we see, that is when we grow exponentially, if the self-talk is fruitful. Oftentimes a quote will prompt us to do that.

Thanks for shining your spotlight on your favorite quote, and sharing it with all of us :) Rob
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Post by Abdulsabur Aisha »

My favourite quote in this life-changing book is, "The tragedy of life is not death; rather, it is what we let die inside of us while we live." This quote made me understand we can be dead while we are alive just because we allowed the best part of us to die.
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Post by Yamini mathur »

The author has used a quote from the Bible that I really liked
' 'Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.'

This verse is talking about the conscious self within. The mention of which is also in the books of Ramana Maharishi and Ashtavakra.

I quote Ashtavakra
If you separate yourself from the physical body and rest in consciousness then at this very moment you will be happy, at peace, and free of bondage.
You are not perceived by the eyes or other senses.
Unattached and without form, you are the witness of the whole universe.'
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Post by SweetSourSalty AndSpicy »

This journey is not about adding anything new to who you already are. That’s because there’s nothing missing. It’s about subtracting what you are not. For it’s with subtraction that you uncover what’s hidden. Robert White. The Maestro Monologue (Kindle Locations 164-166). The Mind Adventure Inc.. Kindle Edition.

It gives a different perspective on growth. Sometimes the things you add to your life to achieve growth are the same things you need to remove. An analogy would be the trainer wheels of a bicycle. You add them to the bike as you learn to balance. But once you grow confident, you remove them. It made me realize that growth is a balance between adding and subtracting. It is a matter of knowing the timing on when to add or subtract.
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Post by Harsh Soni 3 »

My favourite quote is, “the tragedy of life is not death; rather, it is what we let die inside of us while we live”. In my opinion, it represents the power of choice. It depicts how different people can become happy and sad in the same situation because of their choice of perspective and attitude.
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Post by Frank Mutuma »

My favourite quote in the book is "As you think, you travel; as you love you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you". I have always believed we are a product of our thoughts, I think this has been impacted on me by reading a lot of motivational books more specifically writings by Myles Monroe
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Post by Rob White »

I love the "fragile leaf" metaphor, Fashionista. That came from me spontaneously while writing the passage that you like. Thank you for bringing it up.

Remember, its the feeeeelings that give us our experience of life, not our thoughts. The fragile leaf is feeeeeling fragile... oh that it might feel as stable as the truck of the tree upon which it clings. Perhaps it has no choice, but we (as human beings) certainly do :) Thank you Rob
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Post by Charlize Venter »

Honest-reviewer wrote: 03 May 2022, 12:07 One of my favourite quotes mentioned in the book is “The tragedy of life is not death; rather, it is what we let die inside of us while we live” by Norman Cousins. I like this because it emphasises on how important it is to live your life happily and joyfully. If not, then living becomes as tragic as death.
I am absolutely with you there!
We tend to become so encompassed by the routines of life that we tend to forget what we love, become almost anhedonic about it all. It makes me think of this one quote I read a long while back, paraphrased, it goes something like "when life pulls you by the wrist and shout 'here! this! look at this, focus on that', it is up to you to pluck it back, place your palm on your being and say 'No, this is important'". We cannot go far if we don't keep our love and passion alive
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Post by Thanna »

“Pay attention to what you're paying attention to”. This particular quote is my favorite because it strikes a button. It highlights my procrastination prowess and challenges me to focus on liberating myself
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Rob White
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Post by Rob White »

Here's a quote I did not put in the book that perhaps I should have put in the book: "We all have a way of making it in life, and for many people, not making it is making it." How's that? Well, you get to be right, from the Intruder's point of view, which is "I don't have what it take to make it." Oh the insanity :) Rob
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Post by Ella Oyieko »

The quote I loved most was, "when it's time to take flight, never allow negative rhetorics to dominate your inner narrative, forcing you to cling to a low branch on the tree of life." We always cling to our comfort zones in life which in this quote is the branch. we yearn to move to higher places but are held back by our assumptions of being defiant.The solution is to avoid the unhealthy questions which are the negative rhetoric in this quote.Very motivational!
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Nino Chinonso Onwurah
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Post by Nino Chinonso Onwurah »

I contemplated on this quote by Epictetus that I found in the book, “No man is free who is not a master of himself.” Imagine the bliss of acting not according to impulses but based on the direction of pure reason.
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Post by Ahñ Mèiã »

"You are the artist.
Your life is your work of art."

Reminds me that I should do what makes me happy and live my life to the fullest because I deserve to and I am allowed to choose what to do and do it freely because that is my own work of art .. it's my life not others and I take responsibility for the results not them so I'm gonna do what makes me pleased not them
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