Do you ever feel like not writing?

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Re: Do you ever feel like not writing?

Post by AFancyMason »

Oh yes! I think with everything going on in the world today, our minds are taxed more than ever. I recently started writing my first novel and have run into this same issue that you seem to be experiencing. I take a lot of breaks. I feel as though many small paragraphs will eventually lead up to a finished product. I also find that if your topic/plot is something you are truly passionate about, you tend to stay more motivated. If you’re in love with your story, you may be inclined to keep coming back to write more.
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Post by Folcro »

For me, I feel like there's always something I WANT to write, but ofttimes the thing I AM writing can start to feel a little stale, particularly when everything starts coming together in a story. This can sound ironic, but, like a reader, when I know how the story is going to end, and the more exact that knowledge becomes, it can start to become a drag. Sometimes, when this happens, I'll take a break, work on something else, then come back fresh and often stronger.
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Post by Black Jewel »

All the time. There are periods when I want to do nothing but read. Then other periods when I want to do nothing but write. A great deal of it depends on the stressors in my life. If I am mentally stressed/fatigued, I find that I generally do not want to write, because I am already drained... And writing is draining, there is no denying it.
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Post by John Arun Kumar »

I would like to write a book. This has been on my mind for years. Hopefully I will be able to do it now.
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Post by hayisa »

There are definitely some days that I can't pick up the pen and write anything. I think it's natural because we're humans and sometimes, we need that break. If you constantly keep going non-stop, you'll eventually have a burnout.
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Post by Charlienmegan Wehner »

I find that if I force myself to sit down and write even if I don’t feel like writing, ideas will usually come to me. Even if I only write for a few minutes, I always happy I took time out for me.
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Post by ej_author »

Yep. I write for a living and I write for fun, so I can get burnt out if I'm not careful. I make sure to take a day or two during the week where I don't write at all and give myself a break. But, as others have said, if I'm ever just not feeling like it, I sit down and try anyway. Even if I only manage to scratch down a few ideas, I call it a success. During these times, I usually handwrite as well because it helps me to get ideas down better than a keyboard.
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Post by human reader »

Sometimes I feel that I don't have the energy to do anything... and ironically, the solution is often to push myself and the motivation will come as I'm doing it.
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Post by Nedim »

Whenever I have a thought, I just feel like everybody should know about it. But how can I reach them, if not through writing. Writing gives me a means to reach the world. And so, I always feel like writing.
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Post by Nedim »

Whenever I write, I have the opportunity to reach other people, passing vital information on to them. Hence, I always feel like writing because I take it as a hobby and not necessarily as daunting task.
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Post by Brittany Tatman »

All the time. Unfortunately, having a full time job alongside writing means my creative juices have been drained after a long day, and it takes a serious amount of inspiration to get me going when all I want to do is watch YouTube or Netflix. When I find myself in a writing rut, though, two methods that always work are changing up my daily routine (maybe get up a little early and write with the sunrise) or changing projects, as I'm normally working on multiple at one time.
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Post by DATo »

Times that I do not feel like writing:

1) While juggling three or more green peppers. This requires all of my concentration.

2) While in heavy rush hour traffic where a misplaced adverb can lead to a fatal accident.

3) When standing in a Chinese restaurant buffet line. At such times I have much more serious considerations to ponder.

4) When washing my feet. I have ruined three notebooks and two very nice pens that way.

5) When I am falling asleep because I am usually too busy reading what someone else has written.
“I just got out of the hospital. I was in a speed reading accident. I hit a book mark and flew across the room.”
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Post by Comfort Ansah »

Yes, there are times when i feel like not writing especially when I have been writing for a while then I feel mentally drained and exhausted.
Brittany Tatman
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Post by Brittany Tatman »

I always want to write. There's never a moment that I don't want the words to flow out of me like a river. Once you get a taste of inspiration, it's addicting. Thing is, you can't always count on inspiration to be there when you want it. I may want to write, but my exhausted and overwhelmed brain won't form words for the images I see in my mind's eye. Sometimes, you have to slog through a couple paragraphs of the absolute worst stuff you've ever written before your creative brain powers back on. The battery strength varies, so I don't always enjoy every moment of writing. But man, do I want to.
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Post by Henry Patrovic »

This happens to me constantly. My problem is the fact that I enjoy reading more than writing, so when I think about writing something my thought process is that I could be doing something more enjoyable instead. It’s a very nasty problem but I realised that I just needed to push myself past that first barrier and grab my keyboard. After that the words just flow and I don’t stop until I’m satisfied.
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