Official Interview: Joseph Ganci

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Official Interview: Joseph Ganci

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Joseph Ganci author of David God's Chosen Crucible.

Official 5-Star Review

Purchase Kindle edition (free on Kindle Unlimited)

1. What do you do when you aren't writing a book?

I am a person in long-term recovery. I attend, chair, and facilitate group discussions on addiction and alcohol recovery. I also sponsor men, meaning I help guide them through the 12 steps, and in turn, they can help the next sufferer. I had put together an addiction recovery website, a resource informational website,, and it was for 3 ½ years a podcast now archived on the site to help facilitate 12-step sponsorship. I have been promoting the site for about 14 years. Since I make no money and receive no acclaim, I believe the laborer is worthy of their hire, and so God paid with the talent, insight, and discernment to write my old testament epic novels.

2. Who has most influenced your writing style?

My favorite classical book is Moby Dick. My writing style has been referred to as unique. If pressed, Louis Carol, its conversation dispersed with the corresponding action mostly show and a little tell.

3. Let's talk about your book David God's Chosen Crucible. Can you give us a brief synopsis for those that don't know?

My first novel is Gideon, The Sound, and The Glory. The story of Gideon is three chapters in the Bible, Judges 6-8, and exactly one hundred verses. I took those 100 verses and made it a five-part novel in 364 pages. The last part is about the young David, an old friend who has recently passed, and after reading, it said what happens next. David God's Chosen Crucible picks up from there when David is chased in a murderous and maddening pursuit by King Saul. David's escape, his steamy love affair with Bathsheba, and his conquering of the empire of Israel. As you cannot do the story of David justice in one book, I am almost finished with Second David, Trials and Tribulations. The last in the series will be Solomon Wine Women and Song.

4. Why did you decide to re-tell a Bible story? Why this particular story?

I was on my sixth pass in the Bible, and a phrase about Gideon in Judges 8 jumped off the page. Gideon tells the captured kings that he was showing off as a trophy. "I would have kept you alive, but you killed the sons of my mother, even my brethren at Tabor." The battle of Mount Tabor is Judges 4-5—Deborah, the prophetess that lived under the palms. Barak and the 10,000, the 900 hundred chariots of Iron, Jael Heber's wife, put a ten peg in Sisera, the enemy general's head. The one word gave me my first seven chapters and revealed that Gideon's quest was also a blood feud. Part five was David, and carried on from there. It seemed like a natural connection.

5. Did you find it daunting to modernize such a classic tale?

It's quite the challenge, but I rely on the three G's; God, Google, and Grammarly. Google is essential to do the necessary research and include supporting details in the Bible conclusions—some poetic license, rational cultural norms, and logic. Nothing changes, and the Titanic always sinks, to quote a friend of mine.

6. How did you make these characters come alive? What did you add to the Biblical story to make them jump off of the page?

In a word, humanity—the foibles, lusted ego, sorrows, and dreams. Overcoming and sometimes succumbing to the rigors of life, both ancient and modern. Quoting Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun.

7. What part of your book did you have the hardest time writing?

Uncharted territory. For instance, when little or no information about a particular incident is available, the location, characters, or rationale for the action. It takes much digging in unknown territory, finding the smallest crumb, and then basing the storyline by expanding on that morsel to a rational and consequential outcome.

8. What did you have the easiest time writing?

When there is a kernel of an existing story that I can expand on with interesting twists and turns.

9. Are you planning another Biblical-based story? What's next?

Yes, the follow-up Second David Trials and Tribulations. I am about 78,000 words into it. Another five or six thousand should do the first draft nicely and include the lead into Solomon Wine Women and Song.

I like to end with fun questions.

10. What's your favorite writing snack or drink?

Energy drinks. If I eat, I get sleepy.

11. What was the first job you ever had?

A sickle, a hoe, and a lawnmower. Newspaper boy and a gigolo.

12. If you were a pie, what kind of pie would you be?

American pie

13. Are you a cat or a dog person?

If you have a cat, I like you already, and mine is Cicero. And my best friend is Pluto.
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Amazing one congratulations for your unparalleled effort!
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Post by Cristiano Bellucci »

It is nice to have such information about the author. His work with alcoholism makes him closer.
Book allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today. Mark Zuckerberg.
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Post by karis smart »

I love authors story and its so educative.
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Post by Hammad Mehmood »

Authors are amazing 🤩 because authors storys are attractive and energetic so thats why .You winn in interview congratulations 👏🏻
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