Featured Review: Thin Places by Diane Owens Prettyman

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Kenneth Onyenwe
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Re: Featured Review: Thin Places by Diane Owens Prettyman

Post by Kenneth Onyenwe »

"Thin Places" by Diane Owens Prettyman, seems to be an interesting and emotional book about an innocent man that was executed. I will read to know if the bond between Tully and Chloe grew stronger.
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Saima Rahman
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This is a good review, I look forward to reading this book.
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As I read though your spectacular review, I had this vivid picture in mind of how he received the sad letters of divorce and mother's cancer. Your review is awesome, like a movie.
Thank you for the great review.
Mayuri Kotalawala
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Post by Mayuri Kotalawala »

I like keeping in mind each of the relationships like Tully was a prison inmate, who was friends with Calvery, a death row inmate. After Calvery's death, Tully was supposed to keep to his death wish, but couldn't because priority was to his wife and daughter. His wife wanted a divorce so his priory changed. In the mean time his mother was diagnosed with cancer and had about a year left. He took his mother and chartered Choe's(Calvery's daughter) boat. He fell in love with her while having to save her from a smuggler named Duke. And the story goes on. Did I get that right?!! So I like the story and will read it. Thank you for your review.
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Although it is an acclaimed fictional book, it revolves around real life experience in the prison. I must commend the author for this wonderful piece of brilliance. Thank you also for your review.
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Aan Granados
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Post by Aan Granados »

This sounds heartbreaking and a little heavy given that the father died on death row and if really innocent, it would be more painful. It sounds like the love story at the end is short and lacking. Thanks for your review!
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Harty Muli
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I like the theme of redemption and personal growth discussed. Thanks for the review.
Natasha Kim
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Post by Natasha Kim »

The title of this book sounds thrilling. I'll read it to know and understand more of the story. Tully's journey and experience in finding Chloe bring mixed feelings. Thanks for your review. Congrats on being the BOTD.
Fawmi FJumana
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Post by Fawmi FJumana »

It is sad that Calvert died in the death row even though he's innocent. And also sad to see how Tilly's wife divorced him and his daughter doesn't even know him. But still he goes onto keep his promise to his dead friend. This sounds like a book I would enjoy. Congrats on BOTD!!
Goodness Azuka
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Post by Goodness Azuka »

When I started reading your review, I honestly wasn't sure if I would be interested in the book. However, as I read on, I realized it was a somewhat traditional love story mixed in and that interests me. Congratulations on winning BOTD.
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Post by Pretty Nicholas »

Based on the review, I could feel the motivation and inspiration this book offers. I would love to know how the character embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I look forward to reading this book. Great review. Congratulations on BOTD.
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Ujjal Tarafdar
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Post by Ujjal Tarafdar »

"Thin Places" by Diane Owens Prettyman is a beautifully crafted and thought-provoking novel that takes readers on a mesmerizing journey to the ethereal realm. With its lyrical prose, enchanting settings, and complex characters, this book is a captivating exploration of the thin boundaries between the physical and spiritual worlds.

The narrative follows the life of Grace Madison, a young woman struggling with the loss of her beloved sister. Seeking solace and answers, Grace embarks on a deeply personal quest to uncover the secrets of "thin places" – the mythical locations where the veil between the tangible and the mystical is said to be thinnest.

One of the standout elements of this book is Prettyman's extraordinary ability to evoke vivid imagery. The descriptions of the thin places are so richly detailed that readers can practically feel the otherworldly energies and smell the scent of the supernatural. The author's vivid portrayal of these mystical realms creates a sense of wonder and leaves an indelible impression on the reader's imagination.

The characters in "Thin Places" are beautifully developed and feel incredibly authentic. Grace Madison, in particular, is a protagonist who instantly connects with readers on an emotional level. Her grief and determination drive the story forward, and her personal growth throughout the narrative is both believable and inspiring. The supporting cast, from the enigmatic spiritual guide to the various inhabitants of the thin places, adds depth and intrigue to the overall storyline.

The exploration of profound themes in this novel is another highlight. Prettyman deftly weaves together spirituality, grief, and the power of human connection. Through Grace's journey, readers are prompted to reflect on their own relationship with the intangible and confront the mysteries of life and death. The book raises thought-provoking questions about the existence of alternate realities and the interconnectedness of the universe, leaving readers contemplating their own beliefs long after turning the final page.

While the book excels in many aspects, there are a few minor areas where the pacing could have been improved. At times, the narrative seems to linger, resulting in a slower pace that may test the patience of some readers. However, the atmospheric prose and the captivating nature of the thin places compensate for this slight drawback.

"Thin Places" is a book that will resonate with readers who appreciate immersive storytelling and introspective narratives. Diane Owens Prettyman has crafted a novel that delves into the mysteries of the unseen world, offering an enchanting blend of fantasy and introspection. If you're ready to embark on a journey of spiritual exploration and self-discovery, this book is an exquisite choice.
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Chinaza Nnabuenyi
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Post by Chinaza Nnabuenyi »

There are different sides of the plot. I'm more interested in Chlore's eventual decision. It will be a great time to read the book.
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Post by Stella Nicholas »

What are the things places? I would also love to know more about Tully's character. I also love the fact that the book has numerous positive aspects as outlined by the reviewer. Amazing review. Congratulations on BOTD.
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Post by Nisha DSouza »

I enjoyed reading your review; it was engaging and got me excited to read the book. The sample pages kept me hooked, and I didn’t want to stop reading. The scene with Finn and Calvery, the day before the latter’s execution, was very moving. I am eager to learn what ensues later with Finn and Chloe. Congrats on the BOTD!
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