Books recommended for beginners in English

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Books recommended for beginners in English

Post by marti1806 »

Hi everyone!
I’m new here, wanted to start with some advice on a good English book. I have read a lot in my native language so far, but I want to combine business with pleasure and improve my language skills. I like dramas and action books, but I can start with any kind. I am interested in simple language and an interesting plot. which books can you recommend for beginners like me?

Thank you for any advice and responses! 😀😀
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Post by Flore44000 »

English is my second language too, so I totally get what you want to do.
Depending on your level, you may want to start with books for younger people such as teens or even pre-teens (depending on how confident you are) since they are usually written in a simpler way.
If you are into Sci-fi, you could check out the illuminae files trilogy by amie kaufman. If you prefer historical fiction, Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein is amazing. And of course, the obvious, Harry Potter is always a great ressource (with evolving level throughout the serie) if you like fantasy reads.
Hope that helps.
Adéla Kapicová
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Post by Adéla Kapicová »

Years ago, my English teacher redommended me to read English books to improve my language skills. I started with Harry Potter and even though it was really hard the first few pages (my English was very poor back then), it quickly became better and I learned a lot from those books. The language is simple enough, specially once you learn the HP specific vocabulary.
I can also recommend reading books that you´ve already read in your language. It´s easier to follow the story and the vocabulary when you know what it should be about.
In terms of drama and action, I can recommend Millenium Series from Stieg Larsson (translated version to English). I´ve read it in English and I remember it being pretty easy and also great, full of mystery and action.
Latest Review: Binge by Anne Pfeffer
Xinbai Tai
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Post by Xinbai Tai »


I would recommend books by Pam Muñoz Ryan, especially Esperanza Rising or Echo; they both are middle-grade historical fiction. I read them when I first learned started to read for pleasure in English.

If you are into dystopia, I would suggest The Giver quartet by Lois Lowry.

Harry Potter is another obvious choice.
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Nimra Kiran
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Post by Nimra Kiran »

You can start with:
    Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, if you're into fantasy.
      Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, if you're interested in crime, thrill, and investigation.
        The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides, if there's a nook of psychological thrillers interested, inside your head.
          Or When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalinithi; try some nonfiction works that are not too complex in language.
          "A bear knows seven songs and they are all about honey."
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          Post by Marina Flisvou »

          "The Old Man and the Sea" is a novel by Ernest Hemingway about Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman. After going 84 days without catching a fish, Santiago goes far into the sea and hooks a massive marlin. The story details his determined struggle to reel in the fish over several days. It's a tale of endurance, willpower, and man's relationship with nature. Through Santiago's thoughts, Hemingway touches on themes of pride, age, and the definition of true success. The novel beautifully captures the fisherman's deep respect for the marlin, even as he tries to catch it. It's a powerful, moving story about human resilience.
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          Post by Claudia Angelucci »

          English isn't my first language either. When I first started reading in English a long time ago, I began with "The Color Purple." It's not very long, and I've always enjoyed the movie. Agatha Christie's classic books were also a pleasure to read when I was learning English. I also found Jacqueline Wilson's books, meant for older children and teenagers, to be lovely and easy to read.
          I hope this helps, and I wish you all the best!
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          Eren Hanbury
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          Post by Eren Hanbury »

          I recommend these accessible classics that should improve concentration span, expand vocabulary and hopefully spark an appreciation and love for using the language to a tell a good story simply and well.

          1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
          2. The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham.
          3. Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom.

          For Young Adult classics try any books by Judy Blume and S.E. Hinton (who started writing The Outsiders when she was only fifteen).

          Enjoy - leave a note if you end up liking any of these.
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