payment related [resolved]

So that we can provide faster and better support, this forum (the "Public Suggestion Box") has been retired. Instead, please send any suggestions you have to us using the official website contact form.

This allows us to streamline our support system so that we can get to your message much faster. Instead of our support staff having to check three different places (support forum, suggestion box, and contact form messages), they know can respond to all message through one method, with that one method being the official website contact form.

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vansh sharma
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payment related [resolved]

Post by vansh sharma »

how and when we get payment in online book club what is minimum requirement for it.please give full detail on it.
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Kavita Shah
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Post by Kavita Shah »

vansh sharma wrote: 27 May 2023, 09:20 how and when we get payment in online book club what is minimum requirement for it.please give full detail on it.
Hello Vansh,
The First book reviews are free, you will not get paid.
After that review you'll find paid books to review.
Read the guidelines first:

Here's a link to timeline for review publishing and payments.

The payments are sent Via PayPal and only Paypal.

Minimum requirements:

The review should not get rejected.
Your review has to get published.

All the special requirements related to the book review are fulfilled.(Amazon request) In case of not doing so, your review will be in violation of guideline 8.

No PRQ(Post review Questionnaire) dispute should be there, or if there are you should solve them first.

You will need to give your working PayPal address. Go to the preference tab and there's an option to give a valid Paypal Address. Once any payment is sent the address cannot be changed, so make sure you've given the correct PayPal email.


If you have any queries you can ask away.
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Kirsi Cultrera
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Post by Kirsi Cultrera »

vansh sharma wrote: 27 May 2023, 09:20 how and when we get payment in online book club what is minimum requirement for it.please give full detail on it.

And thank you for reaching out. I am very sorry for the delay in answering your message. I see that Kavita already gave you a very thorough answer.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you, and have a good day,
Official Reviewer Representative
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