PRQ Dispute (Resolved)

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Angelica Teves
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PRQ Dispute (Resolved)

Post by Angelica Teves »

Hi! This concerns a PRQ dispute for my review of Butterfly Awakens by Meg Nocero. I am writing this because the PRQ dispute is not customized in a way that the reviewers can write a comment to defend their answers in the post-review questionnaire. The disputes were as follows:

Profane language
I selected non-borderline profanity for this:
"F*ck cancer!" Location 492 (the profane word was censored as shown)

The author marked it as only borderline, very minor.

My dispute:
This is from Scott's guideline:
"The below words are considered to be profanity, and not merely borderline/minor. If a book contains one or more of the below words. The below list is not exhaustive, meaning just because a word does not appear below does not mean it isn't profanity.

      I already sent a screenshot containing another profane word I found, including "asshole". I also followed Scott's advice by choosing f*ck as non-borderline and include a message that the profane word was censored. So I am hoping this will be resolved.

      Religious Content
      My main concern is this dispute. I was not able to provide a comment as to why I chose that it is suited only for people with specific religious beliefs. I want to prevent this from being disputed again. Hence, I will provide my comment here.

      I chose this as suited only for people with religious beliefs because it has many references to God. Although it does not mention any religion like what the author said, it is written in our guidelines that people such as atheists should also be considered in this question. Therefore, I deemed it as suited only for people with religious beliefs because I find that this may be an uncomfortable book and therefore not suited for atheists or agnostics.

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      Post by Melisa Jane »

      Angelica Teves wrote: 26 Feb 2023, 23:10 Hi! This concerns a PRQ dispute for my review of Butterfly Awakens by Meg Nocero. I am writing this because the PRQ dispute is not customized in a way that the reviewers can write a comment to defend their answers in the post-review questionnaire. The disputes were as follows:

      Profane language
      I selected non-borderline profanity for this:
      "F*ck cancer!" Location 492 (the profane word was censored as shown)

      The author marked it as only borderline, very minor.

      My dispute:
      This is from Scott's guideline:
      "The below words are considered to be profanity, and not merely borderline/minor. If a book contains one or more of the below words. The below list is not exhaustive, meaning just because a word does not appear below does not mean it isn't profanity.

          I already sent a screenshot containing another profane word I found, including "asshole". I also followed Scott's advice by choosing f*ck as non-borderline and include a message that the profane word was censored. So I am hoping this will be resolved.

          Religious Content
          My main concern is this dispute. I was not able to provide a comment as to why I chose that it is suited only for people with specific religious beliefs. I want to prevent this from being disputed again. Hence, I will provide my comment here.

          I chose this as suited only for people with religious beliefs because it has many references to God. Although it does not mention any religion like what the author said, it is written in our guidelines that people such as atheists should also be considered in this question. Therefore, I deemed it as suited only for people with religious beliefs because I find that this may be an uncomfortable book and therefore not suited for atheists or agnostics.


          Thank you for reaching out. PRQ disputes are not resolved in this forum. If you already uploaded screenshots, a moderator will look into the issue.

          Thank you.
          Official Reviewer Representative
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          I appreciate the update a lot.
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          Post by Scott »

          This topic has already been marked as resolved. However, if you have any questions or suggestions at anytime, or if there is anything with which we might be able to help, please do contact us. We are always happy to help! :)
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