Pending Payment status showing error

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Glennis C
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Pending Payment status showing error

Post by Glennis C »

***(Copy of the issue previously posted in the Public Forums section)***

I reviewed and published my review for the book, "Niching Up" by Chris Dreyer on April 16, 2023. An editor gave me a score and the payment status showed as payment pending until the date of May 9, 2023. A few days after publishing the review, the payment seemed to be in process, but I still hadn't received it and figured that I would just be patient. However, I checked back about 3 weeks after I originally posted the review (May 9, 2023) and came across the following error message:

"This review opportunity included important special requirements in the book description field that have not been completed. Please see #8 of the "Important: Other Terms and Policies" section of the Review Team Guidelines".

Rule #8 of the Important: Other Terms and Policies" section of the Review Team Guidelines states, "You are required to carefully read the description, author bio, and other details included with each review opportunity before selecting to review that book. If you fail to do this you will be banned from the Review Team."

All of the stated instructions were followed before I posted the review and if this were an issue at any point in my Review Team participation, it was not brought to my attention even when my edited review was displayed on the Reviewer Score page.

How can this be solved?

Let me know,

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Post by Melisa Jane »


Thank you for reaching out. When you selected this book for review, a private book description was emailed to you. Can you please send a screenshot of the email and I'll advise further.

Thank you.
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Post by talkstreetblog »

I am facing the same problem.

This review opportunity included important special requirements in the book description field that have not been completed. Please see #8 of the "Important: Other Terms and Policies" section of the Review Team Guidelines.

Please find the screenshot of the email:
error1.JPG (90.1 KiB) Viewed 661 times
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Post by Scott »

talkstreetblog wrote: 14 Aug 2023, 01:56 I am facing the same problem.

This review opportunity included important special requirements in the book description field that have not been completed. Please see #8 of the "Important: Other Terms and Policies" section of the Review Team Guidelines.

Please find the screenshot of the email:

That is a screenshot of an email that was sent to you BEFORE you selected the book for review.

Melissa was talking about the automatic email notification sent to right AFTER you selected the book for review. That email would contain a copy of the "Special Private Book Description" including any "Important Special Requirements" that had been listed for you on the page you used to accept the book for review.
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