Official Interview: Chelsea Dozier

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Official Interview: Chelsea Dozier

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Chelsea Dozier author of How I Became A Superhero.

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1. Tell us about the very first writing adventure that you remember.

I have always enjoyed writing. When I was in elementary school, I would write poems for fun and ended up with some of my pieces showcased in a school journal. I still have the journal. As I got older, I continued to write and found myself writing letters to my kids as adults (saving them for when they become adults), Christian blogs, and more.

2. How do you handle criticism?

I hold myself to high expectations so I struggle with some criticism. I am always open to loving suggestions that can grow me and make me a better person, but I also don't like to be told what I did sucked. lol

3. Let's discuss your book How I Became a Superhero. Can you give us a quick synopsis for those that don't know?

My daughter gave her life to Jesus a few years ago at the age of 6. After her baptism, we wanted to write down her testimony for her. As we sat down to write it together, our imaginations got going and we ended up with this fun story, from the eyes of a little girl, wanting to share Jesus with others.

4. Can you tell us more about the process of illustrating the book?

Haha! Well, I attempted to illustrate it on my own. But, like I mentioned in the question above about criticism, I hold myself to high standards and I could not meet these standards as an illustrator. Also on a tight budget, we turned to seek help from a professional who was in our price range.

5. Writing for children is difficult for so many reasons. What was your biggest challenge?

The language was challenging. I re-worded the book so many times and had many people proofread and give their input. This book is not professional by any means, but it is written from a child's imagination, viewpoint, and heart. Together, we made this book to share about Jesus and it really is done in a fun way!

6. What message did you want to convey with this story?

That Jesus loves us and we can seek him at any age but also that it is very important for parents to share Jesus with their kids through their actions, words, and how they live their lives.

7. Are there any more books in the works?

Not at the moment, but would not reject the idea by any means.

8. What's your favorite author?

C.S. Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia.

9. What animal do you think is cutest?

I have been to Africa and seen baby elephants in the wild. Definitely my favorite.

10. What literary character would you like to meet?

Lion King -- Simba.

11. How do you relax?

In my hammock, in the shade, with a good podcast, audiobook or book.
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
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