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Discuss the December 2016 Book of the Month, Nightlord by Garon Whited.
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Re: Come up with discussion questions to win free prizes!

Post by Ixcamik »

Their is a lot of lore out there about vampires and other mythical creatures. How did you decide what to use?
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Post by Fatema5253 »

1. Is your character Eric based on real person? If not then how did you come up with his personality?
2. Do you actually believe that vampires are real?
3. Why did you write the book in the perspective of Eric's journal?
4. Tell us about a character that you relate to the most? (Excluding Eric)
5. What would you do if you were in Eric's position, would you follow his footsteps?
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Post by gidgetmj »

How did you experience the book? Were you immediately drawn into the story—or did it take a while?
Who in the book would you like to meet? What would you ask, or say?
What is your favorite quote or passage from the book that you would consider profound or interesting?
Latest Review: "The Banned Book about Love" by Scott Hughes
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Post by MarteenReadsBooks »

While writing this book, did you feel that you became a more experienced writer? What were the struggles that you had to overcome? Did it change you or your perspective of the world? And what advice would you give to a writer from your experience?
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Post by Gnome »

Eric spends a good portion of the book traveling across Rethven and interacting with the locals. Does this element of world building add to the story or distract from the plot? Should Eric have completed his goal before learning about Rethven's culture?

There are many mentions of various religions in Nightlord: Sunset. How does the idea of divine interaction shape Eric's journey?
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Latest Review: "Nightlord: Sunset" by Garon Whited
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Post by Julie Ditton »

Eric discovers that vampires have the higher purpose of helping those who truly wish to die. This seems to be an allusion to assisted suicide. Did this book make you think about the issue and did it effect your own opinion?

-- February 1st, 2017, 11:10 pm --

This novel paints a very grim portrait of organized religion. Even though the story takes place in an alternative universe and the religion portrayed was not real one, the similarities are obvious. How did this story make you feel?
"Oh honestly, don't you two read?"

-Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone
by J.K. Rowling
Latest Review: "Nightlord: Sunset" by Garon Whited
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Post by ptolia_999 »

What were your thought process when creating the world of NightLord?

If you could, you like to become a vampire?
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Post by papaya12 »

At the beginning of this book Eric was skeptical about the existence of vampires. Then he becomes one. Is there anything that you didn't believe could happen that happened? Did you react in a similar way to Eric?
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Post by mindyg123 »

My question is do you think that Eric being usually a non drinker and getting drunk made him more open to going home with Sasha ?
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Post by GaronWhited »

Hello everyone, and thank you for your support and participation!
We have good news, interesting news, and a few new questions.
First off, let me just say all the questions are interesting. I notice some of them, however, are more suited to "ask the author" than to "ask as your next book club meeting." Of the ones of the second sort, we have winners! Of the first sort, I went ahead and answered them.

Here are the winning entries in the "ask at the book club meeting" sort of questions:
In Nightlord:Sunset, Mr. Garon Whited decided to give Eric a voice through the use of a journal.
How do you feel this added to the plot? Do you feel it took anything away from the main storyline?

Jennifer Allsbrook
Eric discovers that his purpose or role as a vampire, or Nightlord, is to ease the suffering of those who are terminally ill. Did this surprise you? Also, how does this contrast with characterizations of vampires in other works of fiction?

Do you think that Mr. Garon Whited spun something entirely fresh and new with his book? Is this book different from other vampires books that you have read? In what ways?

In Nightlord: Sunset, Eric is made into a vampire without his knowledge or permission. What are your thoughts on this? What would you do in a similar situation? What would you compare this with in real life?

Of all the different myths/legends used in the book (vampires, golems, magic, etc...), which was your favorite? Which did you find the most original, or best used?

Was Eric seeking revenge or justice? What's the difference?

There are many different stories about vampires, many different ways they are depicted in literature, compared to the way they are written in other books how do you like the way they are written in Nightlord: Sunset?

If you're one of the people listed above, contact me (or Scott) and I'll happily send you a book. An actual, hard-backed, ink-and-paper copy of any of the books I've published so far. I can even sign it somewhere, if you like!
(I figure letting you pick the book is best. If you already have Volume One of the "Nightlord" series, you might want volume two or three, for example.)

Now, for the "ask the author" sort of questions--if you really want to know--I have answers for them!

Is any part of the story based in real life? is there any character that resembles you or a person you know?
Everything is based on people I know. How recognizable are they? That's another story. I know a Travis and a Terri, as well as a Sasha, and there are bits and pieces of people in Tamara, Raeth, Bouger, T'yl, Tort... But is anyone lifted straight out of life and dropped into the book? No, I'm afraid not. I wouldn't do something like that to my friends. It's one thing to read about High Adventure, but, as Bilbo and Frodo can tell you, it's not all fun and games!

1) What inspired Garon Whited to write Nightlord: Sunset?
Is the book inspired from an author that you really liked?

I read a vampire book in the early 2000's and stared at it when it was over. This got published? This was a best-seller? I could eat a pen and produce a better book the next morning!
So I wrote one. I don't know if it's "better," but I suppose it's a matter of taste. It certainly didn't involve eating a pen.

2) Do you think that the book could have done better with more number of pages/words (making it slight lengthy)?
It's already over 300k words--that's about five times longer than a "typical" novel. If anything, I probably needed to shorten it. But the length is partly from Eric's voice. It's how the thinks, how he speaks, how he puts his thoughts in order. I wanted that strong sense of personality to come through.

What was your story of writing this novel? Any hardships? Funny moments?
Oh, the horror of discovering you've accidentally deleted the file you meant to copy! Losing months of work to an errant click of the mouse disturbed me so deeply, I have multiple backups, now--both on the main PC and on separate USB drives. I swear, the scream of frustration must have been audible for a mile!

While writing books, authors become emotionally connected with the protagonists. Did you feel that connection with Eric? Is any part of Eric's personality inspired by you or someone you know? Lastly, do you think you will miss 'Living Eric's life'?
Oh, I like Eric. He and I do share some qualities. I would love to work with him on various projects. I'm not sure I'd like him too much as a friend, though. He's too sudden, too final. His solution to many problems is to cut its throat. I prefer to wait and see more of the whole picture. But I understand why he is that way. Often, he has to react to things quickly, immediately, and simply doesn't have time to take the larger view.
And when I'm done with the series, I know I'll miss Eric. He may reappear in cameos in other works, other worlds--possibly worlds with heroes of their own, cleaning up the mess he sometimes leaves behind.

Is there a person in real life that the character Sasha came from?
Why is the idea that Sasha has to teach Eric about the Underworld?
I'm not sure if you mean Sasha or Shada. Sasha was the vampire that turned Eric. Shada was originally Utai, a gata girl who lost her brother and stayed with Eric afterward. Both have their origins in people--nonfictional people--but the transformation into fiction, as always, makes them hard to recognize.
As for teaching Eric about the Underworld, it's important to remember Eric knows nothing about these things, at least at first. Someone has to tell him how to be a vampire, to say nothing of telling him how to be a conduit from life into death. Who better to tell him these things than someone he likes? Who better to fill his head with ideas that may or may not be true--believed, certainly, but true?--and have him accept these ideas?

In what way do you feel this book resemble to any real life events ?
Metaphorically. I've never been turned into a vampire. I haven't found alternate worlds of magic. I can't generate a gate into a realm of fantasy.
Well, maybe the gate. Books are like that.

When writing the Nightlord: Sunset did you enjoy your self ?
I was delighted. I enjoy writing. I sit down and let all the things flying through my head land on my keyboard. This makes it less crowded and noisy in here!

Would you be willing to write a second book like Nightlord: Sunset ? It was amazing!!!!
Way ahead of you. "Nightlord" is a series slated for six books. So far, we have "Sunset," "Shadows," and "Orb." Coming soon is "Knightfall."

Jeyran Main
1- What message were you trying to send to people through your book titled: Nightlord: Sunset? and do you think that you were successful in achieving this goal?
Frankly, I'm not sure I have a message. There are a few profound statements, perhaps, or some thought-provoking elements, but I have no Great Truth to give to anyone. Only opinions. I don't write "literature," not in the sense of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, or Hemingway. I write stories, because stories demand to be told. They hold me up at gunpoint and tell me to write, so I write, and they go away to live with other people. That's how stories live. The rest of the time, they slumber on the shelves of dusty libraries, waiting to come out and dance again.

2- What would you change (from mistakes you possibly learned this time), if you wanted to write another book? How are you planning to improve in writing your next book to enhance the experience you received publishing this one?
First and foremost, write. Don't judge, don't edit, don't rewrite--none of it!--until the thing is written. Write it ALL.
Only then can you go back and look at what you wrote. You can change it ONLY after you're done writing it. If you don't do it this way, you'll never get past chapter three. Maybe four. You'll be forever second-guessing yourself and focusing on what you've done, where you've been, not where the story is going.
Go all the way, eyes forward. When you get there, then you can look back.
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Post by gali »

Wow, thank you. :)

Congratulations to the winners! :congratualtions-smiley:
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Post by pamelaeddowes »

Did I win too?
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Post by Heidi M Simone »

Thank you, Mr. Whited! It's an awesome feeling to have my question be picked! Congratulations to the other winners! :D
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Post by kandscreeley »

Awesome! Thanks. Congrats to everyone else.
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Post by Gravy »

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